Artwork Requirements
Adobe Illustrator (.ai)
Adobe Photoshop (.psd)
Vector (.eps)
Portable Document Format (.pdf)
Tagged Image File Format (.tiff)
If possible, please do NOT send us .jpg (Joint Photographic Experts Group) files. The image compression of this type of file results in very poor quality prints and will result in additional art fees to improve the art quality.
We ask that all files to be Adobe Illustrator or Adobe Photoshop compatible. Adobe Photoshop files must be at least 300dpi, 10 inches wide, contain all layers and text is converted into outlines. Adobe Illustrator files must have text converted into outlines. We will NOT proceed if the artwork is of poor quality. If you would like us to improve the art quality, additional fees will apply.
If you are unsure about what artwork file to send, or if your artwork file is in another format than the ones listed above, send your largest file to us and we will let you know if it is acceptable or if it will need work. If your file needs work to be print ready, we charge $60.00 an hour.
We will never share your art files with anyone.
Acceptable File Types

New Layer Icon
While working in Photoshop, always work with layers. This keeps the file organized and makes it easier for us to make your artwork print ready.
On the bottom right of the Layers window you will see an icon of a box with a plus sign inside of it. Click this icon and it will automatically create a new Layer for you. (See the following image.)
*Remember: the file needs to be at least 300 dpi to be a printable file. This is how the final process will look. Separating every element is a good way to keep your file organized and friendly. This is called a Master file.
Note: Do not merge or flatten your file.
Layering Your File

This image was created at 72 dpi.
Please do NOT send us images created at 72 dpi! This results in a very poor quality print.

This image was created at 72 dpi and the file was increased to 300 dpi.
Do NOT do this! It does not solve the problem.

This image was created at 300 dpi.
This is the perfect resolution to get a high quality print.
The resolution of a digital image is measured using pixels per inch (PPI). For printing, picture resolution is is measured in dots per inch (DPI), referring to the tiny droplets of ink that are printed.
The phrase 'high-resolution' often refers to a good quality image. Vivid, crisp images go a long way in creating good prints, but it's important to remember that there are other factors that can affect print quality.
Low resolution images have very few pixels per inch, so when they are enlarged they will become pixelated.
The more pixels in an image (high-resolution), the larger it can be without degrading.
How Resolution Works
Graphic Sizing
If you have a specific size that you want your print to be, please size your art appropriately. If you don't know what size you want your print to be, make sure the art is at least 10 inches wide at 300 dpi and we will size it to a medium sized garment or to the smallest size garment in your order. One size graphic will be used for every garment size in your order unless otherwise requested. Keep in mind that if you request different size prints for different sized garments, a setup charge will apply for each print size.
Art Approval
We DO NOT offer printed samples. A PDF file of your mockup will be emailed to you for approval. It will include all ink color(s) and print size information. You are responsible for checking your mockup for artwork accuracy including, but not limited to: ink color(s), print placement(s), spelling and garment information. Any changes must be made before final approval of the mockup.
Ink Colors
We use the Pantone solid coated and uncoated color Matching Systems (PMS). If you have specific ink color(s) that you want used for your print, please include the PMS color(s) with your order. If specific PMS colors are not provided, we will match ink colors to the artwork we were provided.
File Preparation in Photoshop
Open Photoshop and create a new file.
Follow the presets of the following image. Make sure you document is at least 10" wide and at 300 dpi for a better quality file. Be sure that the actual graphic is at least 10" wide before saving.
Make sure that the file:
is in RBG color mode.
image resolution is at least 300 dpi.
text is merged into layers with AntiAlias off.
AntiAlias is off on imported Vector Graphics.
has a transparent background.
has the color profile attached.
is saved as a Photoshop file (.PSD).